Items For Sale/Accepting Bids/Free
Cities reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All times listed are Central Standard Time unless otherwise noted.
1992年供水招标. 利诺湖市正在出售一双1992年的带水泵的Water tender. The trucks are 1992 Ford L-8000/Toyne Ford 7.8升柴油,自动变速箱,船中部安装消防泵/供水器. 250 GPM Hale fire pump tested and passed on 8/1/2023 and 7/31/2023. 单泡沫系统(foam Pro 2000) 1800加仑水箱,8加仑泡沫池. 里程19028和20281. 卡车有2个预先连接的.5英寸交叉铺设,1-2.5” discharge on both the driver side and the passenger side. 摄入量是2.5” also on both driver side and passenger side. 直接2.5” tank fills on Rear, drivers’ side, and passenger side. 卡车也有三个倾卸射击在后面,驾驶员一侧,和乘客一侧. 包括一个2000加仑的跌落罐,并储存在跌落跌落罐隔间中. Truck has the ability to pump and roll and has a booster reel. 两辆卡车都翻新了符合NFPA标准的惠伦LED应急灯和后chevrons. 现在有卡车可用. 价格为7万美元或最低价. 请联系利诺湖公共安全消防局副局长丹·阿利尔,索取照片或信息 (电子邮件保护)
2004年豪华沥青压路机. Deephaven市正在以3000美元的价格出售2004年的Beuthling沥青压路机. Please contact Jeff Kask at 952-237-8706 for details.
2010救护车. Ford E450 Super Duty Diesel Ambulance. 8缸p6.0L涡轮增压柴油OHV366 CID. 文# 1 fdxe4fp5ada40351. 里程56201. 最低出价15000美元. 请与盛开的草原市管理办公室联系:盛开的草原市, 盛开的草原, MN 55917或(507)583-7573.
2017型消防车. The City of Lino Lakes is selling a Fire Engine. A 2017 Ford F-650/Custom Fire Rear Mount Class A Engine. 1250 GPM Waterous Fire Pump recent Pump Test 03/05/2024 Passed. 单泡沫系统(foam Pro 2000), 350加仑水箱,15加仑泡沫水箱. 不锈钢卡车车身. 5名消防员座位. 里程14400. All Whelen LED lighting, Opticom, Federal EQ siren. 设备具有广泛的存储空间. 两个预连接1.5 lines, Rear discharges, 1- 5” Storz, 2-2.5” NH. Intakes, Driver side 1-6” NH, Rear 1-6” NH/5” Storz, 1-2.5” NH. 2-100 '液压救援工具卷轴. 发电机,本田2000,汽油. 地面梯子, 24英尺加长梯,12英尺天梯, 10英尺折叠梯, 小巨人梯, all ground ladders inspected and passed in 2023. 1 6’ pry bar, 1 6’ FDNY Hook, 1 8’ FDNY hook. 2 sections of hard hose with strainer. Dimensions, Length 28’1”, Height 8’1”, GVWR 26000, Wheelbase 205.5”. Apparatus is in excellent condition and extremely well maintained. 卡车现在可用. 价格为225,000美元或最低价. 请联系利诺湖公共安全消防局副局长丹·阿利尔,索取照片或信息 (电子邮件保护)
2014年蚱蜢. 2014 Grasshopper 930D由埃尔金市出售,上面有1750个小时. It comes with a cab, new snowblower, sweeper, and lawn mower. Asking price is $12,000 but we are open to offers as well. 请致电507-328-1494或发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 如果你有任何问题.
装饰. 布朗斯谷市正在出售挂在路灯上的圣诞装饰品. We have seven bells and seven wreaths selling for $100.00每. Please contact Tony Serocki at 320-695-2846 or (电子邮件保护) 如果你有任何问题.
Ems /消防救援车辆. Proctor is selling a 2000 Ford EMS/Rescue vehicle. 239英里,618, 自动变速器, 非常干净,精心维护,有详细的维护记录. $9,000. 有关图片,请联系杰斯·里奇 (电子邮件保护).
解脱设备. The City of Richmond is selling Hurst extrication equipment. Honda G100 Power Unit, cutter/spreader, extension ram and extension kit. 我们正在接受报价. 更多信息请发邮件 (电子邮件保护).
沙克比市正在考虑出售一辆由威斯康星州福尔曼消防公司制造的2021年福特F350乘员驾驶室刷车. 动力冲程涡轮增压柴油,卡车在新的条件下,大约800英里. 200加仑水箱, Hale发动机驱动的消防泵, 2个助力卷轴, 软管床, 隔间, 后拉出托盘, 警告灯/警报, 警告绞车. 卡车在使用中,没有问题. For more information including photos, 规格和图纸, Interested parties should contact Deputy Chief Dave Giddings at (电子邮件保护)
健身器材. 因弗格罗夫高地市正在出售以下设备:
- 1 Proform 600 Treadmill Serial # MM730C0208936 model# PFTL59117.2. 需要更换皮带了. 75美元或最优惠.
- 2 Century Wave master free standing red Heavy Bags. Adjustable base that needs to be filled with water or sand. 50美元每个.
- 4 BE AXS900TRXD 900 Mhz Stereo FM Transmitters. 这些是用来广播一个特定的调频频道从电视到一块心脏设备,有一个内置或附加的电视接收器. 每个60美元或最优惠.
- 9 BE调频电视音频接收器-这些是用来选择和接收一个特定的调频频道,将广播电视声音到客户的耳机. 60美元每个.
- 4 MYE智能编程音频接收器MC3R-98这些用于选择和接收特定的调频频道,将广播电视声音到客户的耳机.
- 1 Hex 3 tier powerhouse dumbbell Rack- White with black marks on it .尺寸:高:31英寸x长:30.25英寸x高:18.5英寸品牌:IMPEX.
- 2 Matrix Livestrong E series yellow Cycle Bikes. 2011年购买. Class S Max user weight 130KG Serial #LAEB0006983-12D and 12B. 良好的状态. 显示器和速度传感器需要4节AA和4节AAA电池,每节100美元.
- 2个40#壶铃-黑色油漆脱落和生锈10年以上,每个40美元.
- 4个30#壶铃-黑色油漆脱落,生锈10年以上,每个30美元.
- 4 25# Kettlebells- Black paint chipping and rusted 10+years old $25 each.
- 3个20#壶铃-黑色油漆脱落,生锈10年以上,每个20美元.
- 3个15#壶铃-黑色油漆脱落,生锈10年以上,每个15美元.
- 5个10#壶铃-黑色油漆脱落,生锈10年以上,每个10美元.
- 24英尺平2层货架-定制1英寸唇用于存储壶铃或哑铃H: 32.5英寸x长:54英寸x深:26.75英寸. 货架深度10.25英寸,唇部1英寸,黑色,有一些铁锈,橡胶地板保护层,每只100美元. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护) 或致电651-554-3426
发电机. 布朗顿出售1972年科勒发电机(型号#180 GKB)与沃卡夏燃气发动机(型号#15CH71), KW15, KVA 18.75, 120/240伏,轮式. 要价500美元. This is used, selling as is, with no warranty or guarantee. Item to be picked up within 10 business days. 付款应在取货时支付. Location for pick up is 335 3rd St S Brownton between the hours of 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 更多图片请查看布朗顿市Facebook页面,或致电(320)328-5318询问任何问题.
云梯消防车. 1997年半梯卡车 – 65’ General Telesquirt w/ Stainless Steel Body. Unit was refurbished in 2007 and updated with LED Emergency Lighting. 卡车由400马力的底特律柴油发动机提供动力,并配备了一个1500加仑/分钟的水,2级泵. Unit has approximately 62,000 Miles and 3975 Hours. The truck is outfitted with a 500 Gallon Water Tank, 20加仑A级泡沫电池, FoamPro 2001系统, and 6kW Honda Generator w/ Scene Lighting Pump, 梯子, and Aerial Certified in Fall of 2023. 地面梯子 included: 35’ 3-Section, 24“2-Section, 14的屋顶, 12的阁楼, 所有这些都在2023年进行了测试. 价格:40美元,如需了解更多信息,请联系水城消防队长Tom Hanson, (电子邮件保护)
松下仲裁员体穿 & 小队摄像机包! 阿诺卡市警察局已经更换了其随身携带的和小队摄像机系统,并正在寻求捐赠给有需要的警察部门. 44个随身摄像头,11个小队安装摄像头,4个多摄像头办公室对接站. All units are seven years or newer and in working order. 接受机构只需要为车队摄像机购买一个硬盘驱动器并安排安装. 联络Andy Youngquist队长((电子邮件保护))感兴趣的话.
吹雪机. The City of Arlington, MN is selling a 2012 SnoGo snowblower. 加载器ACS附件样式. 6 cylinder turbocharged Cummins Diesel engine. 350小时. 100“x 48”的切割尺寸, 14 '炮塔装载滑道, 38“叶轮, 1800吨/小时, cab control box–hookup from cab to blower, 新的变速箱/顶 & 底部螺旋钻/叶轮叶片. 运行大. 可调尺寸100链传动. $45,000. Please contact city office @ 507-964-2378.
清道夫. 沃土之城正在出售一辆1991年的埃尔金鹈鹕SE街道清扫车,这辆车已经行驶了7933个小时. 2022年2月完成了全面维修,更换了所有的流体、过滤器和传送带. Hydraulic leaks were also repaired in 2022. 机械问题包括刹车不工作,但仍然可以使用静液压踏板安全地停止. 显示下层刷和沟槽刷水平的几个仪表不起作用. 最低起价7000美元. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护) or contact Kevin at 218-289-3639 or Chris at 701-318-2033. Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. 2024年8月12日. Bid opening will be August 12, 2024 at the regular 市议会 meeting. The City has the right to reject any and all bids.
警车. Grand Meadow is selling a 2014 Black clean top Caprice squad. 45,500英里,满载/灯/笼子/新雷达/推保险杠减去无线电. 新的夏季轮胎,新的雪. Mainly stored in winter months, very clean/highly maintained. $25,000. For pictures contact Chief Jim Richardson at (电子邮件保护). 希望能尽快卖出.
投票率齿轮. The City of Richmond is selling 20 sets of Cairns turnout gear. Clothing, some boots, and helmets are also available. 我们愿意接受报盘. 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.
水表. The city of St Joseph has 187 used Badger water meters for sale. 仪表是5/8“x 3/4”M25 ME与猎户座无线电读取,年龄从1-15年不等. These are disc series meters with high resolution encoder (HR-E) heads. For images or more information please email (电子邮件保护) 或致电(320)229-1579.
无线音频系统. 圣城. 弗朗西斯正在出售一套未使用的纳迪系统超高频十频接收机无线系统. This equipment has never been used and is still in the box. 它配备了一个接收器和8个带麦克风夹的背包发射器. 这对于有多人发言的记录会议非常有用,比如市议会会议和规划与分区会议. The city is asking $1,000 for the system. 有关设备的更多信息或图片,电子邮件城市办事员詹妮·维达 (电子邮件保护) 或致电763-235-2303.
ZAMBONI. Champlin有一辆1996年的Zamboni,电池性能很好,要价8000美元. It has solid tires and functions properly. 它可以忍受对护发素做一些工作,但它现在又起作用了. 它有5600个工作小时. We would certainly be able to show to anyone interested. Please contact Charles Lehn at (763) 923-7163 or (电子邮件保护).
Cities reserve the right to reject any and all bids.